Iphone error codes help in diagnosing the root cause of the problem. Sometimes these error codes could also be misleading so use the solution carefully.
Errors -98xx
Error -9815 and -9800
These errors are often related to the incorrect time being set in the machine. Set exact date, restart computer and try again. Refer Apple’s official KB article.
Errors 10xx
Error 1002
Reinstall iTunes and reboot.
Error 1004
Reinstall iTunes and reboot.
Error 1011
Reinstall iTunes.
Error 1013
Restart computer. You can also try changing USB port.
Error 1014
This occurs when you try to downgrade your phone’s baseband.
Error 1015
The error comes when you are downgrading a phone with higher baseband with a firmware having a lower baseband.
Errors 14xx
Error 1413
Restart computer. You can also try changing USB port.
Error 1415
Restart computer. You can also try changing USB port.
Error 1417
Restart computer. You can also try changing USB port.
Error 1418
Restart computer. You can also try changing USB port.
Error 1428
Restart computer. You can also try changing USB port.
Errors 16xx
Error 1600
You cannot restore Custom firmware in DFU Mode. Put the device in pwn dfu mode.
Error 1601
Refer Apple KB article
Error 1602
Could be a corrupt computer OS.
Error 1603
Damaged bundles from unofficial PwnageTool distributions. Refer Apple KB article
Error 1604
Device was pwned dfu mode so custom firmware can’t be restored.
Error 1611
While iTunes tried to enter the Restore Mode, but the device turned back to the Recovery Mode.
Error 1618
Corrupt iTunes try reinstalling iTunes.
Error 1619
Update iTunes and related components and retry.
Error 1644
IPSW was moved from the location during restore with iTunes. Try it again.
Errors 20xx
Error 2001
The Mac OS X kernel extension “IOUSBFamily” that was bundled with late 2008/early 2009 MacBooks, as well as the 10.5.6 update, has a bug where it fails to properly recognize an iDevice in DFU Mode. It can be resolved by updating to 10.5.7 or later.
Error 2002
iTunes cannot connect because another program is busy using it or it’s disconnected during the Apple Server check. Also check your internet connection.
Error 2003
Problem connecting try changing 30pin connecting cable and check USB port.
Error 2005
Should be a result of hardware failure. Try changing the connecting cable and usb port
Errors 30xx
Error 3002
Update to an older firmware isn’t working use Restore instead. The reason the 30XX error pops up is that you are trying to install a firmware which is no longer signed by Apple. You can use Tiny umbrella in this case which uses your locally stored shsh blobs.
Error 3004
You need to be connected to internet during the firmware restore. iTunes can’t connect to gs.apple.com. Maybe Port 80 or Port 443 is blocked which needs to be opened on your router.
Error 3014
Wrongly edited hosts file. The firmware build could not be verified with the server which can be the Apple Server, Sauriks Server or localhost. iTunes can’t connect to gs.apple.com. Also it could be that Port 80 and Port 443 is blocked which you may need to open on your router.
Errors 31xx
Error 3191
QuickTime corrupted must reinstall before iTunes will work also you need to Turn off Compatibility Mode for QuickTime.
1. Right-click on the QuickTimePlayer application (located in C:Program FilesQuickTime) and choose Properties from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Properties window, click on the Compatibility tab Deselect the checkbox labeled “Run this program in compatibility mode for.”
3. Click Apply.
4. Close the Properties window
Error 3194
While trying to install an old unsigned firmware Apple’s server disallows the installation. The firmware of that version could only be installed if you have your SHSH blobs saved.
Error 3195
“An internal error occurred.” Missing SHSH for the firmware. Maybe the same
as “This device isn’t eligible for the request build.” but with an cache error. You cannot install the firmware if the SHSH blobs are not saved for the firmware you are trying to install.
Please drop a message if you need any help on your error codes.