Don’t get Hacked, Enable Two Step Verification

If you think it is difficult to get your account hacked, you are extremely mistaken. Email and social network accounts are always under hacker’s scanner. It is difficult to hack banking outs easily so email accounts become primary targets. Email accounts carry a lot of personal and financial information of the user. So sneaking in your email accounts is the best possible way to get this information.

What is Two-Step Verification?

Most of the services have introduced a two step verification also known as Two-Factor Authentication. It involves entering username and password at first step. The second step involves entering a six digit access code which is valid for a minute. The digital access code is valid for one time transaction. A different access code is available every time you log in to your account.

Step 1: You Enter your Username/Password.
Step1: You Enter your Username/Password.


two step verification.
Step2: You Enter the 6 digit access key.


How it works?

After you log in to your account in step 1 a six digit access code is sent to you via sms or a phone call as in case of google. A Google Authenticator is also available for iphone, windows, android and blackberry that generates the access code. The app details and availability for your device is available on Google. The app works for majority of websites and is connected to your specific account after scanning the QR code. The authenticator does not need internet access.

Authenticator by Google.
                                    Authenticator by Google.
Will the two step authentication bug you every time?

No. You are provided an option to register a device while entering the access code in step 2. You can register your personal devices at home. While on public networks at office you should not register your devices and use the two step verification. Your apps won’t ask you for a two step verification so you need to register the app with your respective accounts. The process initially may seem complicated but is really worth the trouble.

How the two step verification saves your account from being hacked?

Even if your password is compromised it won’t be of any use to the hacker. The six digit access code attached to your account keeps your account safe by barring unauthorized access. There is no point in searching ways to recovering your account access once it is compromised.

The two step authentication helps in securing your account. Many tech majors are associating their services with two step verification.

Some of the websites that provide two step verification are :
  • twitter,com

Very soon you could see some more added to this list.

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